Download this week's pew sheet here
St Luke’s Away Day
Saturday 8 March, 9:30 – 1.00
Rev David is hoping to organise an Away Day in March to pray, discuss and talk about St Luke’s key priorities for ministry and mission as we move forward. The Away Day will be open to lots of people, not just key leaders or the PCC. Please note the diary date with more details to follow.
Boiler25! Eco-experts needed
As we begin our work to examine our heating system, the Diocese have asked us to carry out an audit of our energy use and carbon footprint. Rev David is hoping to find one or two people with a passion for the environment to work with members of our Fabric Committee to assess our current situation and help us move forward.
Kidzone - moving to Thursday's in January
Kidzone is an after school service for children and parents, with songs, quizzes and bible stories which takes place in the church hall from 3.30- 4.30 p.m during term time. From January this will move to Thursdays. Come along and join in the fun!
St Luke’s Church Electoral Roll
The Electoral Roll for St Luke's is due for revision in the first part of 2025. Every six years, the Church of England requires us to delete our old list and start a new one. The current Electoral Roll is now frozen and we will re-open applications in January 2025 when we begin the process of revising and starting afresh with the new Electoral Roll.
Staying Connected - Join our email and Facebook groups
If you would like to be part of our community email group please contact us.
Or join our Facebook group for St Luke's Church