If you want to get married at St Luke's, you may be surprised to learn that it's pretty easy! Because it is a legal ceremony, there are some boundaries as to where you can get married but there may be more options than you had first thought possible. The rule that most people tend to know is that you can always get married in the parish church in the place where you live. However, there are more options than that through a system called 'Qualifying connections'.
Qualifying connections
We know that you might like to get married in our church even if you don't live in our parish. The church may have special significance for you through family or other connections, it may just suit you practically because of its size or location, or because you've fallen in love with its history and beauty. So if either of you or your partner can show any one of the following seven connections with St Luke's, then you are also eligible to get married here. The Qualifying Connection only needs to apply to one of you, and only one connection is needed.
So if one of you was:
- baptised at St Luke's
- prepared for confirmation at St Luke's
- has at any time lived in the parish of St Luke's, Tunbridge Wells for a period of at least six months, or
- has at any time regularly gone to normal church services in St Luke's, Tunbridge Wells for a period of at least six months;
or if you can show that one of your parents, at any time after you were born:
- has lived in the parish of St Luke's, Tunbridge Wells for a period of at least six months, or
- has regularly gone to normal church services in St Luke's, Tunbridge Wells for a period of at least six months;
or if you can show that your parents or any of your grandparents:
- was married at St Luke's, Tunbridge Wells.
If one or more of those criteria apply to one or both of you, then you can definitely get married at St Luke's.
What if we don't have one of those 'Qualifying Connections'?
Even if you can't demonstrate any one of those seven connections to St Luke's, and you don't live in the parish, then do not despair just yet. It is possible to marry in a church if you attend that church regularly for a period of six months. So if you don't have a qualifying connection yet, you could start attending your preferred church at least once a month for a period of at least six months and build up a connection that way.
Finally, if that's not possible for you, it still may be possible for you to marry in the church you want to get married in by applying for a special or common licence. Talk to our Vicar well in advance to discuss that option as special arrangements will need to be made.
Special and common licences
If you want to get married in one of our parishes, but cannot satisfy any of the 'qualifying connections' to a church that are set out above, you may need to apply for a Special Licence. If you genuinely feel you have a connection with this church or a special reason wanting to marry here, we should be able to help you in applying for a licence. There is a fee for such a licence of around £250 that's paid to the Church authorities, but please check for the latest price when you contact us. It's also worth being aware that while we want to help you find a way to marry here, Special Licences are not automatically granted by the Church authorities. Be sure to plan well in advance. Up to 18 months in advance of your wedding is recommended.
If your marriage is taking place too soon for Banns to be read, or one of the people marrying is a foreign national, then a Common Licence application will be necessary. It is granted in the name of the Bishop of Rochester as our parishes are in the Bishop of Rochester's diocese, and the Bishop has discretion whether or not to grant it. In order to obtain such a Licence, one of you must have had his or her usual residence within this parish during fifteen days immediately preceding the application, or must have had his or her usual place of worship at the church. Common Licences can only be granted for marriage to take place within the Diocese, and are only valid for three months. Again, there is a special fee for a Common Licence. Please ask for prices when you speak to us.